Joanne Anderson Reisberg



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of Joanne and Zachary Zormer!

I’m so glad you’ve come to learn more about my books, magazine articles, and a little about me.

NEW! Revenge is Never Sweet: Unless It Can Be Reversed. This mystery romance features attorney Olivia Hunt, who is flying over the Caribbean when the small Cessa plane must make an emergency landing.

Zachary Zormer, Shape Transformer, can double the length of a strip of paper without cutting it. This sultan of shapes challenges his class to change the perimeters of a sheet of paper and walk through it.

What’s Behind the Mighty Fitz? is an exciting tale of adventure, suspense, the tragedy of the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald, and a decades-old art heist. Lucas Sanchez and his fifth-grade friends dive into the mystery surrounding a painting behind a painting, determined to discover the truth.

My book about the Civil War and a drummer boy for the First Minnesota Regiment, Save the Colors: a Civil War Battle Cry, is a favorite with children who like to read active stories about history.

In Escape to the New World, Carlos Diaz is held at sword point, survives a storm on the high seas, and battles a French Corsair.

In Tuesday…A Lucky Day for Luis, Luis finds an abandoned dog he names Tuesday and creates a scary plan to convince his mother that Tuesday is truly Guard-Dog-Material.

In Webster’s Coming Home Today, Cooper can’t wait to pick up his dog, and best friend, Webster, at the K-9 Kennel. But something tells him they’ve given him the wrong dog.