Author Biography
Joanne Reisberg is the author of Zachary Zormer Shape Transformer, A Math Adventure (Charlesbridge published and selected this book to be included in their Reading Fluency Software Program) Save the Colors, A Civil War Battle Cry, and Webster’s Coming Home Today. A former teacher, she has received awards from the University of Minnesota, Writer’s Digest, the Institute of Children’s Literature, and has also published fiction and nonfiction in numerous national magazines. Joanne lives and writes in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

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More about Joanne
My first article, published in the Minneapolis Star Tribune, was written after watching a bullfight in Juarez, Mexico.
The first check I received for my writing was from Dow Jones for a quatrain published in the Wall Street Journal.
I was privileged to be invited to be one of 135 alumni from the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Minnesota, asked to contribute an essay to 135 Voices, a book published to celebrate the 135th anniversary of the college.
In 2005, the College of Liberal Arts included me in its Awards to Alumni of Notable Achievement. Writer’s Digest honored my writing with a Certificate of Achievement in 1997.
I write because it’s fun to have the thoughts and scenes in my head converted to words to be written down for others to read.

I love my vegetable garden. We plant peppers, green beans, peas, potatoes, sweet corn, pumpkins, and watermelons. Last year I was sure I had five large watermelons growing in the garden. One day they started to turn orange. What a fun surprise when they turned out to be pumpkins.

These are some of the members of my family.